
WirePlumber 0.4.12


  • WirePlumber now maintains a stack of previously configured default nodes and prioritizes to one of those when the actively configured default node becomes unavailable, before calculating the next default using priorities (see !396)

  • Updated bluetooth scripts to support the name changes that happened in PipeWire 0.3.59 and also support the experimental Bluetooth LE functionality

  • Changed the naming of bluetooth nodes to not include the profile in it; this allows maintaining existing links when switching between a2dp and hfp

  • The default volume for new outputs has changed to be 40% in cubic scale (= -24 dB) instead of linear (= 74% cubic / -8 dB) that it was before

  • The default volume for new inputs has changed to be 100% rather than following the default for outputs

  • Added --version flag on the wireplumber executable (#317)

  • Added --limit flag on wpctl set-volume to limit the higher volume that can be set (useful when incrementing volume with a keyboard shortcut that calls into wpctl)

  • The properties of the alsa midi node can now be set in the config files


  • Fixed a crash in lua code that would happen when running in a VM (#303)

  • Fixed a crash that would happen when re-connecting to D-Bus (#305)

  • Fixed a mistake in the code that would cause device reservation not to work properly

  • Fixed wpctl clear-default to accept 0 as a valid setting ID

  • Fixed the logic of choosing the best profile after the active profile of a device becomes unavailable (#329)

  • Fixed a regression that would cause PulseAudio “corked” streams to not properly link and cause busy loops

  • Fixed an issue parsing spa-json objects that have a nested object as the value of their last property

Past releases

WirePlumber 0.4.11


  • The libcamera monitor is now enabled by default, so if the libcamera source is enabled in PipeWire, cameras discovered with the libcamera API will be available out of the box. This is safe to use alongside V4L2, as long as the user does not try to use the same camera over different APIs at the same time

  • Libcamera and V4L2 nodes now get assigned a priority.session number; V4L2 nodes get a higher priority by default, so the default camera is going to be /dev/video0 over V4L2, unless changed with wpctl

  • Libcamera nodes now get a user-friendly description based on their location (ex. built-in front camera). Additionally, V4L2 nodes now have a “(V4L2)” string appended to their description in order to be distinguished from the libcamera ones

  • 50-alsa-config.lua now has a section where you can set properties that will only be applied if WirePlumber is running in a virtual machine. By default it now sets api.alsa.period-size = 256 and api.alsa.headroom = 8192 (#162, #134)


  • The “enabled” properties in the config files are now “true” by default when they are not defined. This fixes backwards compatibility with older configuration files (#254)

  • Fixed device name deduplication in the alsa monitor, when device reservation is enabled (#241)

  • Reverted a previous fix that makes it possible again to get a glitch when changing default nodes while also changing the profile (GNOME Settings). The fix was causing other problems and the issue will be addressed differently in the future (#279)

  • Fixed an issue that would prevent applications from being moved to a recently plugged USB headset (#293)

  • Fixed an issue where wireplumber would automatically link control ports, if they are enabled, to audio ports, effectively breaking audio (#294)

  • The policy now always considers the profile of a device that was previously selected by the user, if it is available, when deciding which profile to activate (#179). This may break certain use cases (see !360)

  • A few documentation fixes


  • wpctl now has a get-volume command for easier scripting of volume controls

  • wpctl now supports relative steps and percentage-based steps in set-volume

  • wpctl now also prints link states

  • wpctl can now inspect metadata objects without showing critical warnings


  • A new WpDBus API was added to maintain a single D-Bus connection among modules that need one

  • WpCore now has a method to get the virtual machine type, if WirePlumber is running in a virtual machine

  • WpSpaDevice now has a wp_spa_device_new_managed_object_iterator() method

  • WpSpaJson now has a wp_spa_json_to_string() method that returns a newly allocated string with the correct size of the string token

  • WpLink now has a WP_LINK_FEATURE_ESTABLISHED that allows the caller to wait until the link is in the PAUSED or ACTIVE state. This transparently now enables watching links for negotiation or allocation errors and failing gracefully instead of keeping dead link objects around (#294)


  • The Lua subproject was bumped to version 5.4.4

WirePlumber 0.4.10


  • Added i18n support to be able to translate some user-visible strings

  • wpctl now supports using @DEFAULT_{AUDIO_,VIDEO_,}{SINK,SOURCE}@ as ID, almost like pactl. Additionally, it supports a --pid flag for changing volume and mute state by specifying a process ID, applying the state to all nodes of a specific client process

  • The Lua engine now supports loading Lua libraries. These can be placed either in the standard Lua libraries path or in the “lib” subdirectory of WirePlumber’s “scripts” directory and can be loaded with require()

  • The Lua engine’s sandbox has been relaxed to allow more functionality in scripts (the debug & coroutine libraries and some other previously disabled functions)

  • Lua scripts are now wrapped in special WpPlugin objects, allowing them to load asynchronously and declare when they have finished their loading

  • Added a new script that provides the same functionality as module-fallback-sink from PipeWire, but also takes endpoints into account and can be customized more easily. Disabled by default for now to avoid conflicts


  • Added an optional experimental feature that allows filter-like streams (like echo-cancel or filter-node) to match the channel layout of the device they connect to, on both sides of the filter; that means that if, for instance, a sink has 6 channels and the echo-cancel’s source stream is linked to that sink, then the virtual sink presented by echo-cancel will also be configured to the same 6 channels layout. This feature needs to be explicitly enabled in the configuration (“filter.forward-format”)

  • filter-like streams (filter-chain and such) no longer follow the default sink when it changes, like in PulseAudio


  • The suspend-node script now also suspends nodes that go into the “error” state, allowing them to recover from errors without having to restart WirePlumber

  • Fixed a crash in mixer-api when setting volume with channelVolumes (#250)

  • logind module now watches only for user state changes, avoiding errors when machined is not running


  • The configuration files now have comments mentioning which options need to be disabled in order to run WirePlumber without D-Bus

  • The configuration files now have properties to enable/disable the monitors and other sections, so that it is possible to disable them by dropping in a file that just sets the relevant property to false

  • setlocale() is now called directly instead of relying on pw_init()

  • WpSpaJson received some fixes and is now used internally to parse configuration files

  • More applications were added to the bluetooth auto-switch apps whitelist

WirePlumber 0.4.9


  • restore-stream no longer crashes if properties for it are not present in the config (#190)

  • spa-json no longer crashes on non-x86 architectures

  • Fixed a potential crash in the bluetooth auto-switch module (#193)

  • Fixed a race condition that would cause Zoom desktop audio sharing to fail (#197)

  • Surround sound in some games is now exposed properly (pipewire#876)

  • Fixed a race condition that would cause the default source & sink to not be set at startup

  • policy-node now supports the ‘target.object’ key on streams and metadata

  • Multiple fixes in policy-node that make the logic in some cases behave more like PulseAudio (regarding nodes with the dont-reconnect property and regarding following the default source/sink)

  • Fixed a bug with parsing unquoted strings in spa-json


  • The policy now supports configuring “persistent” device profiles. If a device is manually set to one of these profiles, then it will not be auto-switched to another profile automatically under any circumstances (#138, #204)

  • The device-activation module was re-written in lua

  • Brave, Edge, Vivaldi and Telegram were added in the bluetooth auto-switch applications list

  • ALSA nodes now use the PCM name to populate node.nick, which is useful at least on HDA cards using UCM, where all outputs (analog, hdmi, etc) are exposesd as nodes on a single profile

  • An icon name is now set on the properties of bluetooth devices

WirePlumber 0.4.8


  • Added bluetooth profile auto-switching support. Bluetooth headsets will now automatically switch to the HSP/HFP profile when making a call and go back to the A2DP profile after the call ends (#90)

  • Added an option (enabled by default) to auto-switch to echo-cancel virtual device nodes when the echo-cancel module is loaded in pipewire-pulse, if there is no other configured default node


  • Fixed a regression that prevented nodes from being selected as default when using the pro-audio profile (#163)

  • Fixed a regression that caused encoded audio streams to stall (#178)

  • Fixed restoring bluetooth device profiles


  • A new WpSpaJson API was added as a front-end to spa-json. This is also exposed to Lua, so that Lua scripts can natively parse and write data in the spa-json format


  • wpctl can now list the configured default sources and sinks and has a new command that allows clearing those configured defaults, so that wireplumber goes back to choosing the default nodes based on node priorities

  • The restore-stream script now has its own configuration file in main.lua.d/40-stream-defaults.lua and has independent options for restoring properties and target nodes

  • The restore-stream script now supports rule-based configuration to disable restoring volume properties and/or target nodes for specific streams, useful for applications that misbehave when we restore those (see #169)

  • policy-endpoint now assigns the “Default” role to any stream that does not have a role, so that it can be linked to a pre-configured endpoint

  • The route-settings-api module was dropped in favor of dealing with json natively in Lua, now that the API exists

WirePlumber 0.4.7


  • Fixed a regression in 0.4.6 that caused the selection of the default audio sources and sinks to be delayed until some event, which effectively caused losing audio output in many circumstances (#148, #150, #151, #153)

  • Fixed a regression in 0.4.6 that caused the echo-cancellation pipewire module (and possibly others) to not work

  • A default sink or source is now not selected if there is no available route for it (#145)

  • Fixed an issue where some clients would wait for a bit while seeking (#146)

  • Fixed audio capture in the endpoints-based policy

  • Fixed an issue that would cause certain lua scripts to error out with older configuration files (#158)

WirePlumber 0.4.6


  • Fixed a lot of race condition bugs that would cause strange crashes or many log messages being printed when streaming clients would connect and disconnect very fast (#128, #78, …)

  • Improved the logic for selecting a default target device (#74)

  • Fixed switching to headphones when the wired headphones are plugged in (#98)

  • Fixed an issue where udevadm trigger would break wireplumber (#93)

  • Fixed an issue where switching profiles of a device could kill client nodes

  • Fixed briefly switching output to a secondary device when switching device profiles (#85)

  • Fixed wpctl status showing default device selections when dealing with module-loopback virtual sinks and sources (#130)

  • WirePlumber now ignores hidden files from the config directory (#104)

  • Fixed an interoperability issue with jackdbus (pipewire#1846)

  • Fixed an issue where pulseaudio tcp clients would not have permissions to connect to PipeWire (pipewire#1863)

  • Fixed a crash in the journald logger with NULL debug messages (#124)

  • Enabled real-time priority for the bluetooth nodes to run in RT (#132)

  • Made the default stream volume configurable

  • Scripts are now also looked up in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/wireplumber/scripts

  • Updated documentation on configuring WirePlumber and fixed some more documentation issues (#68)

  • Added support for using strings as log level selectors in WIREPLUMBER_DEBUG

WirePlumber 0.4.5


  • Fixed a crash that could happen after a node linking error (#76)

  • Fixed a bug that would cause capture streams to link to monitor ports of loopback nodes instead of linking to their capture ports

  • Fixed a needless wait that would happen on applications using the pipewire ALSA plugin (#92)

  • Fixed an issue that would cause endless rescan loops in policy-node and could potentially also cause other strange behaviors in case pavucontrol or another monitoring utility was open while the policy was rescanning (#77)

  • Fixed the endpoints-based policy that broke in recent versions and improved its codebase to share more code and be more in-line with policy-node

  • The semicolon character is now escaped properly in state files (#82)

  • When a player requests encoded audio passthrough, the policy now prefers linking to a device that supports that instead of trying to link to the default device and potentially failing (#75)

  • Miscellaneous robustness fixes in policy-node


  • Added WpFactory, a binding for pw_factory proxies. This allows object managers to query factories that are loaded in the pipewire daemon

  • The file-monitor-api plugin can now watch files for changes in addition to directories

WirePlumber 0.4.4


  • Implemented linking nodes in passthrough mode, which enables encoded iec958 / dsd audio passthrough

  • Streams are now sent an error if it was not possible to link them to a target (#63)

  • When linking nodes where at least one of them has an unpositioned channel layout, the other one is not reconfigured to match the channel layout; it is instead linked with a best effort port matching logic

  • Output route switches automatically to the latest one that has become available (#69)

  • Policy now respects the ‘node.exclusive’ and ‘node.passive’ properties

  • Many other minor policy fixes for a smoother desktop usage experience


  • Fixed an issue with the LocalModule() constructor not accepting nil as well as the properties table properly

  • Added WpClient.send_error(), WpSpaPod.fixate() and WpSpaPod.filter() (both in C and Lua)


  • Bumped meson version requirement to 0.56 to be able to use meson.project_{source,build}_root() and ease integration with pipewire’s build system as a subproject

  • wireplumber.service is now an alias to pipewire-session-manager.service

  • Loading the logind module no longer fails if it was not found on the system; there is only a message printed in the output

  • The logind module can now be compiled with elogind (#71)

  • Improvements in, mostly to ease its integration with pipewire’s build system when wireplumber is build as a subproject

  • The format of audio nodes is now selected using the same algorithm as in media-session

  • Fixed a nasty segfault that appeared in 0.4.3 due to a typo (#72)

  • Fixed a re-entrancy issue in the wplua runtime (#73)

WirePlumber 0.4.3


  • Implemented logind integration to start the bluez monitor only on the WirePlumber instance that is running on the active seat; this fixes a bunch of startup warnings and the disappearance of HSP/HFP nodes after login (#54)

  • WirePlumber is now launched with GIO_USE_VFS=local to avoid strange D-Bus interference when the user session is restarted, which previously resulted in WirePlumber being terminated with SIGTERM and never recovering (#48)

  • WirePlumber now survives a restart of the D-Bus service, reconnecting to the bus and reclaiming the bus services that it needs (#55)

  • Implemented route-settings metadata, which fixes storing volume for the “System Sounds” in GNOME (#51)

  • Monitor sources can now be selected as the default source (#60)

  • Refactored some policy logic to allow linking to monitors; the policy now also respects “stream.capture.sink” property of streams which declares that the stream wants to be linked to a monitor (#66)

  • Policy now cleans up ‘target.node’ metadata so that streams get to follow the default source/sink again after the default was changed to match the stream’s currently configured target (#65)

  • Fixed configuring virtual sources (#57)

  • Device monitors now do not crash if a SPA plugin is missing; instead, they print a warning to help users identify what they need to install (!214)

  • Fixed certain “proxy activation failed” warnings (#44)

  • iec958 codec configuration is now saved and restored properly (!228)

  • Fixed some logging issues with the latest version of pipewire (!227, !232)

  • Policy now respects the “” property, which fixes issues with filter-chain and other virtual sources & sinks (#47)

  • Access policy now grants full permissions to flatpak “Manager” apps (#59)


  • Added support for ‘no-dsp’ mode, which allows streaming audio using the format of the device instead of the standard float 32-bit planar format (!225)


  • WpImplMetadata is now implemented using pw_impl_metadata instead of using its own implementation (#52)

  • Added support for custom object property IDs in WpSpaPod (#53)


  • Added a script to load the libcamera monitor (!231)

  • Added option to disable building unit tests (!209)

  • WirePlumber will now fail to start with a warning if pipewire-media-session is also running in the system (#56)

  • The bluez monitor configuration was updated to match the latest one in pipewire-media-session (!224)

WirePlumber 0.4.2


  • Requires PipeWire 0.3.32 or later at runtime

  • Configuration files are now installed in $PREFIX/share/wireplumber, along with scripts, following the paradigm of PipeWire

  • State files are now stored in $XDG_STATE_HOME instead of $XDG_CONFIG_HOME

  • Added new file-monitor-api module, which allows Lua scripts to watch the filesystem for changes, using inotify

  • Added monitor for MIDI devices

  • Added a system-lua-version meson option that allows distributors to choose which Lua version to build against (auto, 5.3 or 5.4)

  • wpipc has been removed and split out to a separate project,


  • A new WpImplModule class has been added; this allows loading a PipeWire module in the WirePlumber process space, keeping a handle that can be used to unload that module later. This is useful for loading filters, network sources/sinks, etc…

  • State files can now store keys that contain certain GKeyFile-reserved characters, such as [, ], = and space; this fixes storing stream volume state for streams using PipeWire’s ALSA compatibility PCM plugin

  • WpProperties now uses a boxed WpPropertiesItem type in its iterators so that these iterators can be used with g-i bindings

  • Added API to lookup configuration and script files from multiple places in the filesystem


  • A LocalModule API has been added to reflect the functionality offered by WpImplModule in C

  • The Node API now has a complete set of methods to reflect the methods of WpNode

  • Added Port.get_direction()

  • Added not-equals to the possible constraint verbs

  • Debug.dump_table now sorts keys before printing the table


  • Tests no longer accidentally create files in $HOME; all transient files that are used for testing are now created in the build directory, except for sockets which are created in /tmp due to the 108-character limitation in socket paths

  • Tests that require optional SPA plugins are now skipped if those SPA plugins are not installed

  • Added a nice summary output at the end of meson configuration

  • Documented the Lua ObjectManager / Interest / Constraint APIs

  • Fixed some memory leaks

WirePlumber 0.4.1

Bug fix release to go with PipeWire 0.3.31. Please update to this version if you are using PipeWire >= 0.3.31.


  • WirePlumber now supports Lua 5.4. You may compile it either with Lua 5.3 or 5.4, without any changes in behavior. The internal Lua subproject has also been upgraded to Lua 5.4, so any builds with -Dsystem-lua=false will use Lua 5.4 by default


  • Fixed filtering of pw_metadata objects, which broke with PipeWire 0.3.31

  • Fixed a potential livelock condition in si-audio-adapter/endpoint where the code would wait forever for a node’s ports to appear in the graph

  • Fixed granting access to camera device nodes in flatpak clients connecting through the camera portal

  • Fixed a lot of issues found by the coverity static analyzer

  • Fixed certain race conditions in the wpipc library

  • Fixed compilation with GCC older than v8.1


  • Added a policy script that matches nodes to specific devices based on the “media.role” of the nodes and the “device.intended-roles” of the devices

Build system:

  • Bumped GLib requirement to 2.62, as the code was already using 2.62 API

  • Added support for building WirePlumber as a PipeWire subproject

  • Doxygen version requirement has been relaxed to accept v1.8

  • The CI now also verifies that the build works on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and tries multiple builds with different build options

WirePlumber 0.4.0

This is the first stable release of the 0.4.x series, which is expected to be an API & ABI stable release series to go along with PipeWire 0.3.x. It is a fundamental goal of this series to maintain compatibility with pipewire-media-session, making WirePlumber suitable for a desktop PulseAudio & JACK replacement setup, while supporting other setups as well (ex. automotive) by making use of its brand new Lua scripting engine, which allows making customizations easily.


  • Re-implemented the default-routes module in lua, using the same logic as the one that pipewire-media-session uses. This fixes a number of issues related to volume controls on alsa devices.

  • Implemented a restore-stream lua script, based on the restore-stream module from media-session. This allows storing stream volumes and targets and restoring them when the stream re-connects

  • Added support for handling dont-remix streams and streams that are not autoconnected. Fixes pw-cat -p --target=0 and the gnome-control-center channel test

  • Device names are now sanitized in the same way as in pipewire-media-session

  • Disabled endpoints in the default configuration. Using endpoints does not provide the best experience on desktop systems yet

  • Fixed a regression introduced in 0.3.96 that would not allow streams to be relinked on their endpoints after having been corked by the policy


  • Some API methods were changed to adhere to the programming practices followed elsewhere in the codebase and to be future-proof. Also added paddings on public structures so that from this point on, the 0.4.x series is going to be API & ABI stable

  • lua: added WpState and wp_metadata_set() bindings and improved WpObject.activate() to report errors

  • ObjectManager: added support for declaring interest on all kinds of properties of global objects. Previously it was only possible to declare interest on pipewire global properties


  • daemon & wpexec: changed the exit codes to follow the standardized codes defined in sysexits.h

  • wpexec now forces the log level to be >= 1 so that lua runtime errors can be printed on the terminal

  • Fixed issues with gobject-introspection data that were introduced by the switch to doxygen

  • Fixed a build issue where wp-gtkdoc.h would not be generated in time for the gobject-introspection target to build

  • Added a valgrind test setup in meson, use with meson test --setup=valgrind

  • Many memory leak and stability fixes

  • Updated more documentation pages

WirePlumber 0.3.96

Second pre-release (RC2) of WirePlumber 0.4.0.


  • The policy now configures streams for channel upmixing/downmixing

  • Some issues in the policy have been fixed, related to:

    • plugging a new higher priority device while audio is playing

    • pavucontrol creating links to other stream nodes for level monitoring

    • some race condition that could happen at startup

  • Proxy object errors are now handled; this fixes memory leaks of invalid links and generally makes things more robust

  • The systemd service units now conflict with pipewire-media-session.service

  • Session & EndpointLink objects have been removed from the API; these were not in use after recent refactoring, so they have been removed in order to avoid carrying them in the ABI

  • The documentation system has switched to use Doxygen & Sphinx; some documentation has also been updated and some Lua API documentation has been introduced

WirePlumber 0.3.95

First pre-release (RC1) of WirePlumber 0.4.0.


  • Lua scripting engine. All the session management logic is now scripted and there is also the ability to run scripts standalone with wpexec (see tests/examples).

  • Compatibility with the latest PipeWire (0.3.26+ required). Also, most features and behavioral logic of pipewire-media-session 0.3.26 are available, making WirePlumber suitable for a desktop PulseAudio & JACK replacement setup.

  • Compatibility with embedded system policies, like the one on AGL, has been restored and is fully configurable.

  • The design of endpoints has been simplified. We now associate endpoints with use cases (roles) instead of physical devices. This removes the need for “endpoint stream” objects, allows more logic to be scripted in lua and makes the graph simpler. It is also possible to run without endpoints at all, matching the behavior of pipewire-media-session and pulseaudio.

  • Configuration is now done using a pipewire-style json .conf file plus lua files. Most of the options go in the lua files, while pipewire context properties, spa_libs and pipewire modules are configured in the json file.

  • Systemd unit files have been added and are the recommended way to run wireplumber. Templated unit files are also available, which allow running multiple instances of wireplumber with a specific configuration each.

WirePlumber 0.3.0

The desktop-ready release!

Changes since 0.2.96:

  • Changed how the device endpoints & nodes are named to make them look better in JACK graph tools, such as qjackctl. JACK tools use the ‘:’ character as a separator to distinguish the node name from the port name (since there are no actual nodes in JACK) and having ‘:’ in our node names made the graph look strange in JACK

  • Fixed an issue with parsing wireplumber.conf that could cause out-of-bounds memory access

  • Fixed some pw_proxy object leaks that would show up in the log

  • Fixed more issues with unlinking the stream volume (si-convert) node from the ALSA sink node and suspending the both; This now also works with PipeWire 0.3.5 and 0.3.6, so it is possible to use these PipeWire versions with WirePlumber without disabling streams on audio sinks.

WirePlumber 0.2.96

Second pre-release (RC2) of WirePlumber 0.3.0

Changes since 0.2.95:

  • Quite some work went into fixing bugs related to the ReserveDevice1 D-Bus API. It is now possible to start a JACK server before or after WirePlumber and WirePlumber will automatically stop using the device that JACK opens, while at the same time it will enable the special “JACK device” that allows PipeWire to interface with JACK

  • Fixed a number of issues that did not previously allow using the spa bluez5 device with WirePlumber. Now it is possible to at least use the A2DP sink (output to bluetooth speakers) without major issues

  • On the API level, WpCore was changed to allow having multiple instances that share the same pw_context. This is useful to have multiple connections to PipeWire, while sharing the context infrastructure

  • WpCore also gained support for retrieving server info & properties and wpctl status now also prints info about the server & all clients

  • module-monitor was modified to allow loading multiple monitor instances with one instance of the module itself

  • Audio nodes are now configured with the sample rate that is defined globally in pipewire.conf with set-prop default.clock.rate <rate>

  • Policy now respects the node.autoconnect property; additionally, it is now possible to specify endpoint ids in the property of nodes (so endpoint ids are accepted in the PIPEWIRE_NODE environment variable, and in the path property of the pipewire gstreamer elements)

  • Fixed an issue where links between the si-convert audioconvert nodes and the actual device nodes would stay active forever; they are now declared as “passive” links, which allows the nodes to suspend. This requires changes to PipeWire that were commited after 0.3.6; when using WirePlumber with 0.3.5 or 0.3.6, it is recommended to disable streams on audio sinks by commenting out the streams = "audio-sink.streams" lines in the .endpoint configuration files

  • wireplumber.conf now accepts comments to be present inside blocks and at the end of valid configuration lines

  • Improved documentation and restructured the default configuration to be more readable and sensible

  • Fixed issues that prevented using WirePlumber with GLib < 2.60; 2.58 is now the actual minimum requirement

WirePlumber 0.2.95

First pre-release of WirePlumber 0.3.0.

This is the first release that targets desktop use-cases. It aims to be fully compatible with pipewire-media-session, while at the same time it adds a couple of features that pipewire-media-session lacks, such as:

  • It makes use of session, endpoint and endpoint-stream objects to orchestrate the graph

  • It is configurable:

    • It supports configuration of endpoints, so that their properties (such as their name) can be overriden

    • It also supports declaring priorities on endpoints, so that there are sane defaults on the first start

    • It supports partial configuration of linking policy

    • It supports creating static node and device objects at startup, also driven by configuration files

  • It has the concept of session default endpoints, which can be changed with wpctl and are stored in XDG_CONFIG_DIR, so the user may change at runtime the target device of new links in a persistent way

  • It supports volume & mute controls on audio endpoints, which can be set with wpctl

  • Last but not least, it is extensible

Also note that this release currently breaks compatibility with AGL, since the policy management engine received a major refactoring to enable more use-cases, and has been focusing on desktop support ever since. Policy features specific to AGL and other embedded systems are expected to come back in a 0.3.x point release.

WirePlumber 0.2.0

As shipped in AGL Itchy Icefish 9.0.0 and Happy Halibut 8.0.5

WirePlumber 0.1.2

As shipped in AGL Happy Halibut 8.0.2

WirePlumber 0.1.1

As shipped in AGL Happy Halibut 8.0.1

WirePlumber 0.1.0

First release of WirePlumber, as shipped in AGL Happy Halibut 8.0.0