
digraph inheritance { rankdir=LR; GBoxed -> WpIterator; }

struct WpIterator

A generic iterator API

struct _WpIteratorMethods

Public Members

guint32 version
void (*reset)(WpIterator *self)
gboolean (*next)(WpIterator *self, GValue *item)
gboolean (*fold)(WpIterator *self, WpIteratorFoldFunc func, GValue *ret, gpointer data)
gboolean (*foreach)(WpIterator *self, WpIteratorForeachFunc func, gpointer data)
void (*finalize)(WpIterator *self)
typedef gboolean (*WpIteratorFoldFunc)(const GValue *item, GValue *ret, gpointer data)

A function to be passed to wp_iterator_fold()

Param item

the item to fold

Param ret

the value collecting the result

Param data

data passed to wp_iterator_fold()


TRUE if the fold should continue, FALSE if it should stop.

typedef void (*WpIteratorForeachFunc)(const GValue *item, gpointer data)

A function that is called by wp_iterator_foreach().

Param item

the item

Param data

the data passed to wp_iterator_foreach()

WpIterator *wp_iterator_new(const WpIteratorMethods *methods, size_t user_size)

Constructs an iterator that uses the provided methods to implement its API.

The WpIterator structure is internally allocated with user_size additional space at the end. A pointer to this space can be retrieved with wp_iterator_get_user_data() and is available for implementation-specific storage.

  • methods – method implementations for the new iterator

  • user_size – size of the user_data structure to be allocated


(transfer full): a new custom iterator

gpointer wp_iterator_get_user_data(WpIterator *self)

Gets the implementation-specific storage of an iterator.


this only for use by implementations of WpIterator

  • self – an iterator object


a pointer to the implementation-specific storage area

WpIterator *wp_iterator_ref(WpIterator *self)

Increases the reference count of an iterator.

  • self – an iterator object


(transfer full): self with an additional reference count on it

void wp_iterator_unref(WpIterator *self)

Decreases the reference count on self and frees it when the ref count reaches zero.

  • self – (transfer full): an iterator object

void wp_iterator_reset(WpIterator *self)

Resets the iterator so we can iterate again from the beginning.

  • self – the iterator

gboolean wp_iterator_next(WpIterator *self, GValue *item)

Gets the next item of the iterator.

  • self – the iterator

  • item – (out): the next item of the iterator


TRUE if next iterator was obtained, FALSE when the iterator has no more items to iterate through.

gboolean wp_iterator_fold(WpIterator *self, WpIteratorFoldFunc func, GValue *ret, gpointer data)

Fold a function over the items of the iterator.

  • self – the iterator

  • func – (scope call): the fold function

  • ret – (inout): the accumulator data

  • data – (closure): the user data


TRUE if all the items were processed, FALSE otherwise.

gboolean wp_iterator_foreach(WpIterator *self, WpIteratorForeachFunc func, gpointer data)

Iterates over all items of the iterator calling a function.

  • self – the iterator

  • func – (scope call): the foreach function

  • data – (closure): the user data


TRUE if all the items were processed, FALSE otherwise.

WpIterator *wp_iterator_new_ptr_array(GPtrArray *items, GType item_type)

Creates an iterator from a pointer array.

  • items – (element-type gpointer) (transfer full): the items to iterate over

  • item_type – the type of each item


(transfer full): a new iterator that iterates over items

WP_TYPE_ITERATOR (wp_iterator_get_type ())

The WpIterator GType.


The version to set to _WpIteratorMethods::version. This allows future expansion of the struct.